Hafal's Lowri and Jo with info on what Hafal has to offer carers in Pontypool
In the seventh week of its tour around all 22 counties of Wales the campaign caravanserai rolled into Pontypool in fine weather yesterday where one of Hafal Torfaen's Let's Get Physical! goals for this summer is to work with carers on maintaining and improving their physical health - because a caring role can take its toll.
Mrs Fisher, a carer at the project, said: "Some recent research by Carers UK showed that over 8 in 10 carers have seen a negative effect on their physical health because of their caring role. I'm not surprised! It's hard to find time to look after yourself when you're looking after someone else.
"As part of the campaign we are going to work together to identify ways for us to make time to become healthier. We'll also be looking at diet and exercise and making sure we get our health checked regularly."
At yesterday's Let's Get Physical! event both carers and service users had the opportunity to have health checks in the mobile surgery, take part in some exercise and enjoy a healthy lunch.
Our National Carers Lead Junaid Iqbal tells us: "It's great to see a focus on carers as well as service users in Torfaen. My advice to fellow carers is that sacrificing your own wellbeing won’t do you or the person you care for any favours. You have to try and find time to maintain your own health - although as carers we know that this can be hard to achieve.
"You can talk to health and social care agencies and see how they can support you. You can also ask the Community Mental Health Team, the GP and other health and social care agencies for their cooperation in supporting you to take breaks."
Mal with Mary and Lisa of Torfaen's National Exercise Referral Scheme