I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself being assailed with health problems which you are just going to have to hear about (sorry!) or this Blog wouldn't be true to life.
I mentioned previously the tooth falling out and my amateur repair. This has now been replaced with a (still temporary) job and the dentist will install the permanent solution a week tomorrow - so the end is in sight but meanwhile my mouth has an alien presence in it which, inevitably, my tongue dances over obsessively.
Meanwhile I've developed first a sore throat and now a chest infection which necessitated me sleeping (not very well) sitting bolt upright last night because if I lay down it caused paroxysms of painful coughing.
As well as all that I had a glaucoma scare but that at any rate was put to bed yesterday when the specialist in Carmarthen gave me the all clear. Incidentally even if you haven't got sight problems get your eyes tested to check for this and other serious nasties. Top tip: eye tests are free in Tesco for anybody and if you need glasses they have a decent range at £10 including the prescription lenses. The Tesco optician referred me on when he spotted a possible problem.
Reading that I realise that this is all small potatoes really but thanks for listening...
Relative immobility owing to the cough leaves me time to contemplate the news. This Blog has had an occasional but coincidental focus on the wives of dictators in the Middle East (see here and here). I have also performed an important service in outing closet Welsh people (Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, etc) and so I feel bound to mention somebody in the news fitting both categories, namely Mrs Mubarak who has been arrested this week for corruption along with her husband the ousted President.
Susanne Mubarak is indeed Welsh I can reveal - her family comes from Pontypridd. Apparently the main charge against Mrs M is that she was scheming for her son to succeed her husband in the family business - not an unusual ambition for a Valleys mam but the lucrative business in question was not a chip shop on Gelliwastad Road but, well, Egypt.