"Taking the Wheel" reached Newport yesterday to be greeted by a good crowd of Hafal Members, campaign partners and many other visitors in Asda car park - a well-chosen venue as this is veritably the modern equivalent of a public forum in urban Wales.
Hafal's Newport Practice Leader Pam Johnson said: "Our popular campaign camper van and racing simulator have been on hand for visitors to view and enjoy; visitors have been able literally to ‘take the wheel' and race in the camper van simulator which has been a lot of fun. There's been plenty of information on serious mental illness available for people to take away, too."
Pam says the message from service users that has come out of the event relates to service planning by clients both on a local and national level: "Service users run our services in Newport and today's event has been a fantastic opportunity to celebrate that and talk about the ways clients can have greater influence in the planning and delivery of mental health services in the county. On a national level, our clients are also keen to get the most from the Mental Health (Wales) Measure - the first mental health law to be passed in Wales since the tenth century - which means there's been plenty to discuss today."
More about the campaign here.