Great pivot and twist from Elin in the rugby passing game
Let's Get Physical! reached Merthyr today at an event which got people on their feet!
Activities included a football penalty shoot-out, exercise work-out, rugby passing game, badminton, walking and a bike ride.
Guests also enjoyed a healthy lunch to fuel all their activity - and had the opportunity to get a physical health check in our Mobile Health Centre.
Service user Ron said: "My advice to people with a mental illness and their carers is to get outdoors! We're so lucky in Wales to have loads of open space to make the most of - and loads of hills and mountains to climb. We're going to continue to 'Get Physical' throughout the summer by running our walking group and accessing more outdoor activities in partnership with organisations such as Natural Resources Wales."
Hafal Carers Worker Gill added: "We also have a weekly healthy eating lunch club to promote a good diet. And of course our clients will be thinking about what health goals they can write in their Care Plans so that they can build healthy living into their everyday life."
There you are again, perfectly encapsulated - healthy exercise and healthy food can be taken in socially and with pleasure. It doesn't - shouldn't - have to be about staring bleakly at the bathroom scales at your feet while nibbling a cardboard-flavour Ryvita: it doesn't work and it isn't worth it. You have to find the fun in it all.