- Dr Mike Shooter CBE, Chair, Young Minds and Children in Wales, past President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and former Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Gwent HealthCare Trust.
- Professor Richard Williams OBE TD, Professor of Mental Health Strategy, Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care, University of Glamorgan.
- Professor Richard P Bentall, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Bangor University.
- Dr David Williams, CAMHS Professional Advisor to the Welsh Assembly Government.
- Julie Edwards, Policy Officer, The Children's Commissioner for Wales.
- Sonja Hookway, Mental Health Coordinator, Swansea University.
. . . plus equally importantly young people with personal experience of mental illness and adults with a history of mental illness going back into their youth.

The testimony of those personally affected is courageously delivered, moving, and enraging - how could we not respond quickly and sustain support to anybody, let alone children, in such great difficulty? As ever, given no doubt reasonable and decent professionals, bad systems seem to perform even worse than no systems. There will be a report and action plan soon but meanwhile see the post-Seminar press release here.