I'm pleased to announce a new secret weapon in the battle for resources: step forward GP and academic Simon Braybrook who has offered out of the blue to grow his moustache in support of Hafal. Now don't hesitate - get your credit card out, dust off the cobwebs, go to his Justgiving page on this link, and max out your limit with a generous payment which befits Simon's noble effort and (of course) the even nobler cause.
Following my suggestions for a budget-but-quality Christmas last week, including mention of the Aldi Christmas pudding at £7.99, former Hafal Chair Peter Davey contacts me to draw attention to rival purveyor of fancy goods Lidl's Snowy Lodge Luxury Christmas Pudding which he describes as "rich, packed with vine fruits, glacĂ© cherries, and with a hint of sherry, brandy, and whisky". It's a whopping 750 grams for (wait for it) £2.99. Thanks to Peter for his canny advice (could there be a Davey ancestor from Cardiganshire who migrated to Merseyside? We may even be distant cousins) and I would add to his tip that while you are in Lidl you can pick up a keenly-priced bottle of brandy with which to set fire to this irresistible delicacy.