Swansea Grand Theatre's Summer Repertory season kicks off with "The Late Edwina Black", a slightly stilted but fun enough detective thriller by jobbing 1950s playwrights Dinner and Morum. Much of the dialogue is taken up with two lovers who each suspect the other of bumping off the "wife in the way" - the eponymous E.Black - falling out irretrievably before finally finding out (look away now if you are going to this play!) that neither of them did the dirty deed. I have loyally attended this five play July/August season for many years, combining where possible a swim in the Bay and a picnic before the performance (two for one tickets on Tuesdays, by the way). This time the weather is vile but, no matter, it is "Steak Night" at Wetherspoons - very nice but you have to ask them to heat the plates.