100 Hafal activists, staff, and guests risk the weather to join our annual North Wales invitation event including sports, healthy picnic and some unobtrusive but valuable consultation on campaigning issues. Hafal's networks in North Wales have a great track record in campaigning, resisting the understandable temptation not to bother with the devolved government in Cardiff or with Westminster on the grounds that they are both remote and unapproachable (though they may feel that sometimes!): rather they have vigorously engaged with key issues and used local pressure on Assembly Members and MPs to contribute decisively in our successful campaigns on such matters as the first Mental Health Bill (R.I.P.) and the emerging Measure.
The rain teases us in the morning but leaves us alone from lunch-time onwards. The final tug-of-war competition is closely fought and includes some surprising contestants sacrificing their demure dress to grass stains and scuffing in no-holds-barred combat.
Congratulations and thanks are due to all the staff and volunteers who made such a success of the day and especially to Janet Randles who applied her reliable organisational skills to great effect.