Improving service provision by ensuring the voices of carers and mental health service users are listened to and their views acted upon was the theme of yesterday’s Movin’ On Up event in Caerphilly where the Mayor and other dignitaries were welcomed by our pet Abominable Snowman playing guitar (you couldn't make this up).
Bryn Davies, a carer and volunteer from Hafal’s Caerphilly project, said: "I have come into contact with mental health services as a young carer (caring for my father) and as a service user. During this time I have experienced good and bad practices. I believe that if I had received more appropriate information and had been consulted on both my father’s and my own care we both would have been in a better position to make decisions about our care and treatment. Looking forward, the good news is the Mental Health Measure means there will be a duty on mental health services to work with service users when writing a care plan and the Carers Measure should ensure that better information is supplied to carers.
"From a personal point of view working with Hafal has been really positive and helpful in supporting me through my recovery. I was referred as a service user to one of the Caerphilly projects 15 months ago; I’m now working as a volunteer at the Hyderus project. Since coming to Hafal I am more aware of service user and carer rights under the new legislation so I am more able to support my father in making decisions about his care and treatment."
Well said, Bryn, and don't forget Hafal's guide for carers which you can find here.