Once again Dave Smith has not ducked controversy in his column in the Western Mail (find it via this link) where he exposes the haphazard and inconsistent delivery of mental health services and his dependence on using his own initiative to check out treatments, side effects, and so on.
Dave describes having to do his own research on the internet in order to find out about medication (health warning here - by all means investigate treatments on the net but please don't act on your research without consulting your doctor) and to track down an organisation which could help him - in this case Hafal's good friends Bipolar UK (until recently MDF).
It is inspiring that Dave has worked these matters out for himself but disturbing to consider that many people, by reason of their illness or simply because they haven't the skills or confidence, would never have found out what treatment would be best for them and where to get help beyond the statutory sector. Hafal is working on a whole new set of guidance materials to coincide with the coming of Care and Treatment Plans under the Mental Health Measure in June this year. Watch this space!
Meanwhile for guidance on treatments for serious mental illness go here ; and for an holistic guide to recovery try this.