Take a look at Hafal's latest briefing for Assembly Members here which gives a good summary of the key current issues for mental health in Wales, namely...
The Mental Health (Care Coordination and Care and
Treatment Planning) (Wales) Regulations 2011 - more or less a done deal but requiring National Assembly sign-off (due today but delayed as business is disrupted by tomorrow's strike)
The Code of Practice for Parts 2 and 3 of the Measure - currently subject to formal consultation.
The new Mental Health Strategy for Wales - currently being drafted by officials.
My brother Skypes to tell me that the Picton trial (see my last post) featured on telly last night in "Garrow's Law" (I've never seen it but apparently it's a sort of low-rent legal version of Tom Jones - all tricorn hats and bodices) but they got the century wrong and, more disturbingly, the result, oddly neglecting to report the retrial where he got off! Artistic licence is one thing but if you are purporting to reflect real events this is rather misleading - and a reminder to trust reliable sources like this Blog rather than the BBC. Anyway here he is dying at Waterloo...