Sunday 27 March 2011

Town and Country Mouse

This sunny and warm weather makes life both in town and country enjoyable and accordingly I have done a bit of both.

Yesterday I visited my tailor in Swansea (Messrs Primark in St Mary's Square - no appointment necessary) to buy some tee-shirts. I settle for plain colours and eschew the ones with messages. Now you tell me: if you wear a tee-shirt which says "Babe Magnet" or similar on it are you actually expecting it to attract women or is it an ironic joke for ugly blokes to amuse their mates with? No, really, I don't know.

After this I enjoy the ambient fruity perfume while buying stuff in Lush and then treat myself to a bacon and egg roll with tea in the sunshine overlooking the Marina.

Today by contrast I am in the countryside enjoying the evidence of spring - the early flowers are much advanced after these few warm days (see my two pics - no bluebells yet but give it a week) and the silence is broken by the ratatat of two woodpeckers.

The hour change is very welcome as now there are options for getting out after work which makes so much difference. For early birds like me it means getting up in the dark but it'll be light enough at 6 a.m. in about another two weeks.


Many will recognise the Town Mouse and Country Mouse as one of Aesop's tales. The idea is that the urban rodent scoffs at the frugal, uncosmopolitan hospitality of his peasant cousin but the latter finds the city unwelcoming and thoroughly dangerous. This strikes me as unfair to both milieus and surely the best option for mice and men is to make use of both town and country exploiting what they are each good for ("Mice and men" may ring a bell too but I'm stopping here as I don't want to go either to Rabbie Burns' silly poem or to Steinbeck's depressing novella).