The first WAG consultation event on the draft Regulations for the Mental Health (Wales) Measure took place in Cardiff on Monday. Gavin Williams, Hafal’s Young People’s Lead, attended and reports back:
“We put across our interest in the care planning aspects of the Measure. At present the Measure’s draft Regulations state that at least one holistic life area needs to be completed in a Care and Treatment Plan. The view from our service users and carers, which I put forward at the event, is that there needs to be a box to record eight life areas (accommodation, education and training, finance and money, medical and other forms of treatment including psychological interventions, parenting or caring relationships, personal care and physical well-being, social, cultural and spiritual, work and occupation) rather than a minimum of one and that all areas should be recorded for each individual.
This point was backed up by delegates who attended the event (there were about 50 in total) and put forward to the facilitators. Hopefully these events will lead to more effective care plans which will help service users to progress with their recovery.”
See more about this, including the rapidly growing "Sue's View" campaign, here.