Tuesday 4 May 2010

6 May - The Big Day

Everybody agrees that events this Thursday will have enormous significance for the future of Wales and all eyes will be on the results. I refer of course to the first stop on Hafal’s “Road to Recovery” campaign when the microbus will be centre-stage at Hafal’s Cardiff event at our National Resource Centre in St. Fagan’s: I have accepted my invitation from Hafal Cardiff's Junaid Iqbal (second from left in the picture) and look forward to a fun and informative day. When we planned the 22 events (link here for details) we guessed that 6 May might coincide with the sideshow of a General Election but calculated that the public and media might be engaged by something different being aired on the day. Polling day is always strangely calm: the politicians have finished making their case and are resigned to their fates while the voters have no reason to make a big show of visiting the polling station (those who did not avail themselves of a postal vote – incidentally, am I alone in finding the postal vote instructions almost incomprehensible?). Anyway, the calculation seems to have paid off as we have a big crowd attending along with television and other media – more about that on Friday. Meanwhile let me pay tribute to Hafal’s members in Cardiff: we have always had an active membership, in the past mostly carers but now also many service-users. In addition to supporting each other and Hafal’s services our Cardiff members have never shrunk from putting their case for improving mental health services in the city, engaging patiently but assertively with the sometimes Byzantine consultation arrangements. In particular our Members have been involved for some years in the process of replacing Whitchurch hospital only to see the plans shelved recently. There probably is a case to review the plans but please let there be timely and effective consultation: if commissioners sat down with an open mind to work this out with Hafal’s Members and other customers I am sure a good conclusion could be reached. I know I will get my ear bent about this on Thursday....