brought all the salad we needed from the garden...
fished for my supper...
(actually I only caught a small mackerel - and that was foul-hooked - but think of the hours of valuable exercise casting and reeling in assorted feathers, spinners and rag-worm)
I also explored ze mysterieuse under-zea vorld in all eets glorieuse majesty...
(a top tip for gentlemen snorkellers which Jacques Cousteau never told you - your mask leaks if you wear it having not shaved for a few days).
I also combed the local beaches - here is a blue jellyfish I found...
... and I looked it up when I got back and the correct name of this species for those interested is the "blue jellyfish".
And I did some cycling too.
But I didn't - couldn't - walk very far...
I have been suffering for a while now from something called Plantar Fasciitis which is Latin for a painful heel caused by bruising the tendon under your foot.
No, I didn't know I had a tendon there either (it reminds me of when the garage told me my "steering rack", something I had never heard of, was broken and would cost £300 to replace. No, I was told patiently, you can't drive around without one).
It's quite a common ailment and frequently affects people who are over-weight but quite active - i.e. walk a lot.
This sounds like a dilemma or, better word, a challenge: either I lose weight and remain active or I stay this weight and accept that I can't walk very far. It may not be that stark because the heel thing can clear up - but I feel I should heed this painful warning.
A reminder that we all, often in quite individual ways, need to take seriously the underlying importance of Let's Get Physical! and recognise that diet, exercise, and generally looking after your health are closely linked.
But none of it is worthwhile if you do not also enjoy your life (note that I said near-saintly)...