Derek Hughes (Hafal client, RCT project), Health and Social Services Minister Mark Drakeford AM, Jane Miller Smith (Service User Representative Pendine CMHT), Gertrude Bleasdale (Hafal client, Tenby project)
A good launch event yesterday for the interim report on implementation of the Mental Health Measure - see the story and links here.
The report was launched by Health Minister Mark Drakeford and Hafal service users spoke about their experience of mental health services and care and treatment planning - very appropriately as it was Hafal Members who inspired the original legislation and provided the detailed content of the new legal right to a Care and Treatment Plan which was adopted by the Government.
Hafal's Members - people with a serious mental illness and their carers - have always strongly supported the new mental health legislation and we are delighted to see that this report shows implementation is on track.
The Measure, unique to Wales, provides legal rights to patients which make a real difference - rights to an holistic care and treatment plan, rights to advocacy, and rights to get back into services when things go wrong.
The Welsh Government developed effective legislation precisely because it listened to patients and carers and Wales should be proud of its mental health legislation which makes it a world leader in supporting vulnerable people on their pathway to recovery and social integration.
Does this mean mental health services in Wales are all tickety-boo?
Of course not. The law is a strong platform upon which great services could be built and that is the next (and greater) challenge.