Great film blog by that brilliant advocate for patients Jo Roberts here.
I well remember Jo torpedoing the infamous Mental Health Bill (R.I.P.) when she gave evidence to the Westminster Scrutiny Committee now some years ago. The Committee's report, which damned the Bill and consigned it to the bin, explicitly acknowledged the decisive effect on their conclusions of Jo's testimony.
Subsequently Jo was behind "Jo's Blog" which assertively steered the Welsh Government towards a superior Code of Practice for the Mental Health Act. This was the first appearance in law of Hafal's 8 "life areas" (actually 9 at that time before the Government unwisely joined up medical treatment with psychological and other treatments having listened to some politically correct ninnies who thought the separation gave too much credibility to medical treatment).
She has lost none of her incisive honesty and she's quite right to raise the issue of money management which can be a huge problem exacerbating people's mental illness. Jo is real proof that an individual with extensive personal experience can really change things for the better for all patients.