I'm catching up with news from Hafal having spent the last week fishing (or rather not fishing - see last post)...
Fantastic reports from last Thursday's Physical Health Awareness Day 2012 (popularly known as the "Sports Day") which took place at Swansea University. Activities included the traditional tug-of-war now generously sponsored by Unison, the Trade Union which represents Hafal staff. The whole event and attendant campaigning on physical health were sponsored by the Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust and the prizes were presented by paralympian Graham Edmunds who has won two gold medals...

Appropriately Friday's Movin' On Up event in Torfaen continued the physical health theme...

Lynne Neagle, AM for Torfaen (second from right) attended the event. Lynne is pictured with (left to right): Mel Cook (Mental Health Foundation), Michelle Boyd (Hafal Practice Leader Torfaen), Mark Lydon (Hafal Bridgend) and Elin Jones (Hafal Chair).
Speaking on the key role exercise has played in her recovery from anxiety and depression service user Cheryl Bennet, who swims and attends a gym once a week, told us: "I definitely advocate exercise for mental health recovery. Since exercising, my back, which has given me problems in the past, feels better so exercising has helped with my physical recovery, too. I've also found that no matter how tired I am before going to the gym I always feel energised afterwards.
"I have a gym buddy and that's helped give me confidence and motivation with my exercise programme. Eventually I hope to lose weight which will make me feel better about myself.
"I think that the more you exercise the better you feel mentally and physically. For me going to the gym has helped me get out more and meet people which has also been beneficial. I think exercise gives service users like me a good goal to work towards. I feel I have accomplished something at the end of each session, it gives me a really big boost."
How very much I agree with Cheryl! I didn't manage to swim last week but I averaged 15,000 steps a day walking on the Pembrokeshire coast (checked off on my trusty pedometer) and I am 2 lbs lighter for it - I must keep this up through the summer...