I'm using my privileged access to give you a sneak preview of our summer campaign which we will announce formally next week. Like last year we are working with our friends in the Mental Health Foundation and Bipolar UK to support people with a mental illness and their families to fight their corner - but things have changed (not least as a result of patient pressure, for example on the Mental Health Measure and its Regulations) so the focus of their campaign for excellent mental health services in Wales will move on up to the next level.
The big new challenges this year include...
• Getting a good deal for people with a serious mental illness from the new Mental Health Strategy.
• Ensuring that the Mental Health Measure is implemented effectively, in particular making sure that patients get excellent Care and Treatment Plans and that these are acted on.
• Making sure that carers of people with a mental illness gain real improvements from implementation of the Carers Measure.
There will be activity every week right through from early May to the end of September and beyond so watch out for the full details next week - I'll provide links on this blog if you don't catch them first on the websites (see links to the right).
And dust off and apply some dubbin to your walking boots - there will be mountains to climb and not just metaphorically!