Hafal's employment lead in South Wales Andrew Mulholland's 80 to 1 bet on Wales to win the Rugby World Cup looked even less unwise at the crack of dawn on Saturday as we saw off the rampant Irish and proceed to the semis next week against an inconsistent French side. Maybe it's evens to win that one and 5 to 1 to win the final against New Zealand (or conceivably Australia) which means 10 to 1 are the current odds - so Andrew should only contemplate selling his slip today for 8 times what he paid for it but I'm sure he won't.
After the match I set off to fish but the met office "computer says no" and my only catch is a set of autumnal pictures. See above what is usually a good mark for pollack and wrasse but today would be a death-trap for shore anglers as 20 foot waves crash over the rocks, though I notice that the shags, which on a calm day dry themselves on the island opposite, calmly continue to fish in the boiling seas.
The picture below shows the amazing coloured rocks in a beach cave at low tide. If you are familiar with St David's Cathedral you will recognise the two shades of episcopal purple sandstone which was quarried here and dragged a mile north to the building site nearly 900 years ago.