The "Taking the Wheel" microbus reached Abergavenny today where Jane, a service user and carer in her mid fifties who looks after her daughter (who has schizophrenia) and her housebound husband, says:
"Hafal has helped me take the wheel by encouraging and supporting me to do many things for myself which I wouldn’t have believed possible previously.
"For example where once I would have flown off the handle if I had a letter demanding rent from the council’s housing department I’ve learnt to approach tasks like this in a much calmer fashion. I file my letters away and do things like finances step-by-step.
"I used to rely on people and lean on services too much, now I will take the initiative myself and address these problems on my own."
Nice one, Jane, and good luck to all our friends in Monmouthshire working for recovery.

I have drawn South Africa in the office Rugby World Cup sweepstake so I have a half decent chance of repeating my success in the Grand National (see here) although Matt in Publications has drawn New Zealand so the drinks will probably be on him. Deputy Chief Exec Alun Thomas has Wales so he can feel patriotic and unconflicted but he's not making plans to spend his winnings just yet. But at least he didn't get Russia like poor Gavin Williams - I didn't even know they played the game...