To the launch of the excellent training film on safeguarding created by service-users in Wrexham supported by Hafal (see my post of 22 July below). The film was created in partnership with Wrexham Council and the Social Services Improvement Agency (SSIA)and will be used to train practitioners across Wales and beyond on the crucial issue of protecting vulnerable people from exploitation and abuse.
Health and Social Services Minister Lesley Griffiths, also of course the local Assembly Member here, commended the film fulsomely drawing attention to the professionalism of Hafal's Expert Patient Trainers who had made it. In my spot I tried to draw out the wider contribution which service-users could make in Wales, in particular to (i) making better use of the limited resources available for secondary mental health services and (ii) implementation of Part 2 of the Mental Health Measure next year - the only show in town at the moment. We will keep working on Lesley when she visits our stand at the Eisteddfod!