Thursday 29 April 2010


I enjoy a productive training session today with senior managers responsible for our local services. Chief Executives have a duty to project a rounded, corporate mission comprising services, campaigns, information, etc but we all know that if you have a significant service-delivery arm then it is that which will keep you awake at night if things are getting difficult and give you the sleep of the righteous if matters are going smoothly. I’m mainly sleeping pretty well at the moment and the more so I suspect following today’s session. We have a very focused and grounded team with a mix of long experience and new promotions to manage that critical interface between projects and Head Office. They know they will need to be ready when the elephant in the room (the massive public spending deficit) is finally confronted after the election. We will have to work hard to avoid nibbles and even big bites as commissioners look for savings. Will mental health’s “priority status” count for anything when the axe is wielded? Will commissioners be honourable with the Third Sector or just cut us first rather than their own statutory services? We will of course work cooperatively with commissioners looking for fair efficiencies but we are ready to fight our corner alongside other voluntary organisations if we have to.